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Showing food with E631 ingredients

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IndoMie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles
IndoMie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles

Possibly Vegan

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  • Sugar - A sweet material that consists of sucrose. Some sugars are processed through boneblack.
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Wheat - Wheat includes gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.
  • Starch - If found on a meat or poultry product could be from any grain, including wheat.
  • Seasoning - Some seasonings contain gluten.
Nouilles Neoguri Ramyun Seafood & Spicy
Nouilles Neoguri Ramyun Seafood & Spicy

May not be Vegan

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  • Fish - Fish are not considered a vegan food.
  • Seafood - Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans. Not a vegan option if from an animal.
  • Molluscs - Mollusca is the second largest phylum of invertebrate animals. Not a vegan option.
  • E322 - Emulsifier - From soy or eggs. Check for vegan labeling or contact the supplier.
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.
  • Caramel - Used as a coloring. Some caramel is derived from cane sugar and not necessarily vegan.

May not be Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Fish - Fish are not considered a vegetarian food.
  • Seafood - Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans. Likely animal based.
  • Molluscs - Mollusca is the second largest phylum of invertebrate animals. Not a vegetarian option.
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.
  • Seafood - Many imitation or processed seafoods include wheat-based ingredients.
Samyang Ramen Biff Smak
Samyang Ramen Biff Smak

Possibly Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E322 - Emulsifier - From soy or eggs. Check for vegan labeling or contact the supplier.
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Ramen - Often contains a form of grain gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
Ajinomoto Japanese Style Chicken & Vegetable Gyoza 30 Pieces
Ajinomoto Japanese Style Chicken & Vegetable Gyoza 30 Pieces

Possibly Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.
Doritos Nacho Cheesier
Doritos Nacho Cheesier

Possibly Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Vegetarian

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • E631 - Disodium Inosinate: Can be produced from meat, fish or tapioca starch.

Possibly Gluten Free

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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