May not be Vegan

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Fish - Fish are not considered a vegan food.
  • Milk - Not vegan if derived from an animal. Check the ingredients.
  • Eggs - This product contains egg in one form or another. Not vegan friendly.

May not be Vegetarian

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Fish - Fish are not considered a vegetarian food.

Possibly Gluten Free

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Gluten Free grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Eggs - May contain gluten if used as an ingredient. Some foods add wheat based batter to eggs.

Ingredients: Pâte (58%) : semoule de blé dur*, oeufs*, eau. Farce (42%) : crème fraîche*, saumon 0%), flocon de pomme de terre* (eau, flocons de pomme de terre*, extrait de romarin*), chapelure*(farine de blé de type 0* , levure de bière* , sel), aneth* (1,6%), jus de citron* , poudre de lait* , huile d'olive* , sel de camargue, poivre noir*. Atelier utilisant : céleri* , soja* , fruits à coques* *Ingrédients issus de l'agriculture biologique. A consommer rapidement après ouverture du sachet

Allergens: Eggs, Fish, Milk, Soybeans

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Energy 1138 (kj)  
Fat 9.3 (g)  
Saturated Fat 5.3 (g)  
Carbohydrates 37 (g)  
Sugars 2.1 (g)  
Proteins 9.2 (g)  
Salt 0.68 (g)  
Sodium 0.268 (g)  
Product Photos
Ravioli Saumon Aneth


Ravioli Saumon Aneth Ingredients


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