Is Snail Vegetarian?

Snails are small gastropods. They are typically crushed for cosmetic or for escargot.

Not necessarily banned. Consider the source of each ingredient.

May be Vegetarian

Foods with ingredients that contain snail
Snail Bean Paste Soup Sauce

May not be Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Shrimp - Shrimp is not considered a vegan food.
  • Snail - Snails are small gastropods. They are typically crushed for cosmetic or for escargot.
  • Tuna - Tuna is obtained from the tuna fish. Not a vegan food option.

May not be Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Tuna - Tuna is obtained from the tuna fish. Not a vegetarian food option.
  • Shrimp - Shrimp is not considered a vegetarian food.
  • Snail - Snails are small gastropods. They are typically crushed for cosmetic or for escargot.

Possibly Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Soup - Pay special attention to cream-based soups, which have flour as a thickener. Many contain barley.
  • Seasoning - Some seasonings contain gluten.

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