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Soy Sauce
Soy Sauce

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Wheat - Wheat includes gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.

Possibly Vegan

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Possibly Vegetarian

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Fondue De Quesos Suizos
Fondue De Quesos Suizos

Possibly Vegan

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Possibly Vegetarian

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Possibly Gluten Free

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Slow Cooked Tender Prime Steak In A Rich Gravy Infused With Guiness Beer, Baked In A Unique Holland's Golden Shortcrust Pie
Slow Cooked Tender Prime Steak In A Rich Gravy Infused With Guiness Beer, Baked In A Unique Holland's Golden Shortcrust Pie

May not be Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Beef - Not vegan if originating from cow flesh.
  • Caramel - Used as a coloring. Some caramel is derived from cane sugar and not necessarily vegan.
  • L-cysteine - Improving Agent - Produced commercially from animal and human hair (and feathers).
  • Glaze - A pure food glaze and natural glaze. Made with shellac from the lac bug. Also known as beetle juice.
  • Niacin - Used as a cholesterol treatment. In rare cases it can be derived from animal sources.
  • Fatty - Fatty Acids: Organic compounds - Saturated, polyunsaturated and unsaturated.
  • Sugar - A sweet material that consists of sucrose. Some sugars are processed through boneblack.
  • Cysteine - An amino acid found in the hair protein keratin.
  • Dextrose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if plant based.
  • Calcium - May be derived from the shells of marine organisms, snails, and eggs. Check the label to be sure.
  • Shortening - Most shortening is animal based and is made from butter, suet, and/or lard.
  • Milk - Not vegan if derived from an animal. Check the ingredients.

May not be Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Beef - Not a vegetarian friendly option. Beef is taken from the body of a cow.
  • L-cysteine - Improving Agent - Produced commercially from animal and human hair (and feathers).
  • Calcium - May be animal based. Double check the label to be sure of the origin.
  • Cysteine - An amino acid found in the hair protein keratin.
  • Dextrose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if suitable.

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Wheat - Wheat includes gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Barley - Often contains a form of grain gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Malt - Many malted products contains gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Beer - Often contains a form of grain gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Starch - If found on a meat or poultry product could be from any grain, including wheat.
Beef Lasagne
Beef Lasagne

Possibly Vegan

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Possibly Vegetarian

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Possibly Gluten Free

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Organic Kombucha
Organic Kombucha

Probably Vegan

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Probably Vegetarian

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Probably Gluten Free

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