May not be Vegan

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    Flagged Ingredients

  • Glucose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if plant based.
  • Milk - Not vegan if derived from an animal. Check the ingredients.
  • Pasta - Some pasta noodles are made with eggs. Check the label or ask if vegan.
  • Lactose - Milk sugar. A type of sugar only found in animal milk.

Possibly Gluten Free

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Gluten Free grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Pasta - Often contains a form of grain gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.

Possibly Vegetarian

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Vegetarian grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

Ingredients: Leite magro reconstituído, açúcar, matérias gordas vegetais (coco, palma), óleo de colza, água, xarope de glucose e frutose, cacau magro em pó, leite magro em pó ou concentrado, lactose e proteínas lácteas (leite), pasta de avelã, farinha de trigo, xarope de glucose, flocos de aveia, pasta de cacau, emulsionantes (mono e diglicéridos de ácidos gordos, fosfatídeos de amónio, ésteres cítricos de mono e diglicéridos de ácidos gordos, lecitina de soja), manteiga de cacau, leite em pó, espessantes (farinha de semente de alfarroba, goma de guar, carragenina), leite magro em pó, aromas, amido modificado, sal, levedante químico (carbonatos de sódio), manteiga concentrada.

Allergens: Aveia, Avela, Manteiga, Milk, Soybeans, Trigo

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

Traces: Nuts, Peanuts

This product may contain trace amounts of these ingredients.

Create an account to avoid trace ingredients that aren't compatible with your diet.

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml As sold per serving (53,8 g)
Serving Size 53,8 g
Energy 1200 (kJ) 646 (kJ)
Fat 17 (g) 9.15 (g)
Saturated Fat 12 (g) 6.46 (g)
Carbohydrates 27 (g) 14.5 (g)
Sugars 24 (g) 12.9 (g)
Proteins 4 (g) 2.15 (g)
Salt 0.23 (g) 0.124 (g)
Sodium 0.091 (g) 0.049 (g)
Product Photos
Viennetta Choco-nut


Viennetta Choco-nut Ingredients


  • Brands: Jeronimo Martins, Ola, Unilever

  • Countries: Italy, Netherlands, Portugal

  • Keywords: And, Aromatizada, Aromatizado, Avela, Biscoito, Branco, Choco Nut, Chocolate, Cobertura, Com, Cream, Crocante, De, Dessert, Food, Frozen, Gelado, Ice, Jeronimo, Martin, Ola, Pedaco, Sorbet, Unilever, Viennetta, Xarope

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