May not be Vegan

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Brain - Extract taken from the brain of a slaughtered animal.
  • Molluscs - Mollusca is the second largest phylum of invertebrate animals. Not a vegan option.

May not be Vegetarian

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Brain - Extract taken from the brain of a slaughtered animal.
  • Molluscs - Mollusca is the second largest phylum of invertebrate animals. Not a vegetarian option.

May not be Gluten Free

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.

Ingredients: SEMOULE DE BLE DUR ENTIER, GRAINS DE UN MOULES (MIN, 4%), ISTRUZIONI PER LA COTTURA : Portare ad ebollizione un'abbondante quantità di acqua salata (5 t, nescolare mantenendo in ebollizione fino a cottura desiderata, scolare e condire con la salsa Preferita, servire subito a tavola. COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Isnal{ ?hOet' NtÏaIearteti0 raetbuOrg?sAtdodb1Ò5iImgB! occasionally, cooK uncovered, timing on front, or as desired. brain well, add your favourite sauce and serve, MODE DE CUISSON: Dans jusqu'à ce que l'eau commence' { bouillir. Fare cuire endent le temps indiqué sur le paquet en remuant pusqu'à ce que le pâtes soient 'al dente'.Bien VALORI NUTRIZIONALI MEDI per 100

Allergens: Gluten, Molluscs

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Energy 1381 (kj)  
Fat 5 (g)  
Saturated Fat 1.8 (g)  
Carbohydrates 68 (g)  
Sugars 1 (g)  
Fiber 9.4 (g)  
Proteins 14 (g)  
Salt 0.007 (g)  
Sodium 0.003 (g)  
Product Photos
Pasta Toscana


Pasta Toscana Ingredients


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