May not be Vegan

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    Flagged Ingredients

  • Chocolate - Most chocolates are not vegan. Check the ingredients for dairy or milk.
  • E471 - Mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids (sometimes derived from animal fats).
  • Glucose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if plant based.
  • Milk - Not vegan if derived from an animal. Check the ingredients.
  • Pasta - Some pasta noodles are made with eggs. Check the label or ask if vegan.
  • Lactose - Milk sugar. A type of sugar only found in animal milk.
  • Natural - Ingredients are not synthetic or artificial, but extracted directly from plants or animal products

Possibly Vegetarian

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Vegetarian grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • E471 - Mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids (sometimes derived from animal fats).
  • Natural - Ingredients are not synthetic or artificial, but extracted directly from plants or animal products

May not be Gluten Free

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Pasta - Often contains a form of grain gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Chocolate - Some varieties have a risk of contamination from other products. Read the label to see if gluten free.
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.

Ingredients: Leite em pó magro reconstituído, bolachas: 21% (farinha de trigo (glúten), açúcar, gordura de palma, cacau magro, xarope de glucose, xarope de glucose-frutose, levedantes (E503, E500), leite em pó magro, extrato de malte de cevada (glúten), emulsionante: lecitina de girassol, aroma natural, sal), cobertura de cacau: 12% (matérias gordas vegetais (coco e palma) e óleo de girassol em proporções variáveis, açúcar, cacau magro: 10%, emulsionante: lecitina de soja, aroma natural de baunilha), açúcar, pedacinhos de chocolate preto: 7% (açúcar, pasta de cacau, manteiga de cacau, emulsionante: lecitina de soja), matérias gordas vegetais (coco e palma), xarope de glucose, lactose e proteínas do leite, pedacinhos de bolacha: 1% (açúcar, farinha e amido de arroz, margarina (gordura de palma, óleo de girassol e água), leite em pó magro, xarope de glucose, sal, aroma natural), pedacinhos de avelã, caramelizada (avelã, açúcar), emulsionante (E471), estabilizadores (E410, E412, E407), aroma natural.

Allergens: Avela, Cevada, Gluten, Milk, Soybeans, Trigo

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

Traces: Eggs, Nuts

This product may contain trace amounts of these ingredients.

Create an account to avoid trace ingredients that aren't compatible with your diet.

From Palm Oil: E471 Mono Et Diglycerides D Acides Gras Alimentaires

Palm oil is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced. Learn more

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml As sold per serving (54 g)
Serving Size 54 g
Energy 1435 (kJ) 775 (kJ)
Fat 19 (g) 10.3 (g)
Saturated Fat 13 (g) 7.02 (g)
Carbohydrates 39 (g) 21.1 (g)
Sugars 26 (g) 14 (g)
Fiber 1.9 (g) 1.03 (g)
Proteins 3.9 (g) 2.11 (g)
Salt 0.1 (g) 0.054 (g)
Sodium 0.039 (g) 0.021 (g)
Product Photos
Mini Sandwich


Mini Sandwich Ingredients


  • Brands: Auchan, Ice Cream Factory Comaker, Icfc

  • Countries: Portugal, Spain

  • Keywords: Auchan, Bolacha, Cacau, Chocolate, Cobertura, Com, Comaker, Cream, De, Espanha, Factory, Gelado, Ice, Icfc, Mini, Nata, Pedacinho, Preto, Sabor, Sandwich, Sandwiche

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