May not be Vegan

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Meat - Not vegan if originating from any animal.
  • Pork - Pork, or pig, is not considered a vegan option.

May not be Vegetarian

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Meat - Meat is not a vegetarian option as it is derived from an animal.
  • Pork - Pork, or pig, is not considered a vegetarian option.

Possibly Gluten Free

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Gluten Free grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Meat - Many imitation or processed meats include wheat-based ingredients.

Ingredients: Pork ham (100g of finished product prepared from 1540 of raw pork meat), Salt sugar, reservatives (E-250, E-252), antioxidant (E-301). Keep between 00 and Packaged in a protective atmosphere, Best before: (see on the package). 5EkRANOSCHlNKEN, Zutaten: Schweineschinken (Zur Herstellung von 100g des Endproduktes wurden 154 Schweinefleisch verwendet), Sall, Zucker, Konservierungsstoffe (E-250 E-252), Antioxidatjonsmjttel (E-301). Gekühlt bei max. +70C mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Folienaufdruck vorderseite). Unter Schutzatmosphàre verpackt.(Ëô JAM- BON SERRANO, Ingrédients: Jambon de porc (154g de viande de porc mise en oeuvre pour 100g de produit fini), sel, sucre, conservateurs (E-250, E-252), antioxydant (E-301). À conserver entre 00 et 50C. Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice. A consommer de préférence avant le: (voir SERRA- NOHAM. Ingrediënten: Ham (Voor 100 gram serranoham is 154 qram vlees gebruikt), zout, suiker, conserveermiddelen (E-250, E-252), antioxidant (E-301).Te bewaren tussen 00 en SOC. Verpakt onder beschermende atmosfeer. Te gebruiken bij voorkeur voor: (Zie op de PRESUNTO SERRANO, Ingredientes: Perna de suino (fabricado com 154g de carne de porco para 1 oog de producto final), sal, açücar, conservantes (E-250, E-252), antioxidante (E-301), Conservar entre 00 e 50C Embalado em atmosfera protegida. Consumir de preferência antes de: (ver embalagem). @SERRANOSKINKA. Ingredienser. Skinka av gris satt, socker, konserveringsmedel (E-250, E-252), antioxidationsmedel (E-301). Till 1009 serrano har 154g kôttràvara anvànts. Kylvara. Fôr/aras i hôgst +80Q Fôrpackad i en skyddande atmosfir. Bist fôre: (se SERRANO KINKKU. Amesosat: Kinkku (154g lihaa/100g valmis tuote), suola, sokeri, sâiiôntâaineet (E-250/ E-252), hapettumisenestoaine (E-301). Sâilytys +60. Pakattu suo?akaasuun. Parasta Ennen: (katso SERRANOS- )0g af det fardige produkt er fremstillet af 154g svinekod), salt, sukker, konserveringsmidler (E-250, E-252 , antioxidant (E-301). Opbevares mellem OOC og ?akket i Ildbartil: (se forsiden). SERRANO KUMPlSe Sudétis: Kumpis (sunaudota 154g kiaulienos paqaminti 1 oog galutinio produkto), druska, cukrus, konser/antai (E-250, i 0-50Ctemperatüroje.Supakuotas naudojant apsaugines dujas. Geriausias iki (Ir. pakuotq). @SERRANO SKINKIS. Sustâvdalas: Skiokis (100 ramu galaproduk- , sals, cukurs, konservants (E-250t E-252)/ antioksidants (E-301). Glabât starp OOC un 50C. Lepakots aizsargatmÔsfëiâ. Izlietot lidz: (sk. iepakojumu SERRANO :atud 154g seaiiha 1 oog iôpptoote)/ soolr suhkur/ sâilitusained (E-250, E-252), antioksüdant (E-301 Hoidke temperatuuril vahemikus 0-5 oc. Pakendatud gaasikeskkonda. ) SZYNKA SERRANO. Skkadniki: Szynka (100g gotowego produktu uzyskuje si ze 154g surowego miesa wieprzowego), sél, cukier, substanc?e konserwujace (E-250, ?rodukt nalefry przechowywa{ w temperaturze od OOC do 50C. Pakowane w atmos erze ochronnej. Najlepiej spoiyé przed: (zobacz na opakowaniu 1009/ Information nutritionelle pour 1 oog de produit/ Voedingswaarde per 100g/ Informaçâo nutricional por 1 oog de produto/ Niringsinformation indhold pr 1009/ Mitybcs informadja 1 oog produkto/ Uzturvértiba uz 100g/ Toitevürtus 1 oog toote kohta/ WartoSci odiywae na 100g 973 kJ/ 232 kcal Uia/ Energi/ Energia/ Energi/ Energiné verte/ Eneréëtiskâ vërtïba/ Energiasisaldus/ Energia

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Energy 971 (kj)  
Fat 12 (g)  
Saturated Fat 4.8 (g)  
Carbohydrates 0.1 (g)  
Sugars 0.1 (g)  
Proteins 31 (g)  
Salt 5 (g)  
Sodium 1.969 (g)  
Product Photos
Jamon Serrano Skivad


Jamon Serrano Skivad Ingredients


  • Brands: Argal

  • Countries: France

  • Keywords: Argal, Jamon, Serrano, Skivad

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