May not be Vegan

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Humectant - Sweetener - Mostly from animal fats, unless otherwise stated.
  • Milk - Not vegan if derived from an animal. Check the ingredients.
  • Yogurt - Most yogurts are produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Check if the milk used is plant based.
  • Glycerin - Often derived from animal fat but may also be plant based.
  • Yoghurt - Likely produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Check if the milk used is plant based.

Possibly Vegetarian

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Vegetarian grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Glycerin - Often derived from animal fat but may also be plant based.

May not be Gluten Free

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • Malt - Many malted products contains gluten. Check the ingredients if gluten-free is not on the label.
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.

Ingredients: Protéine de Lactosérum), Mélange d'Avoine (Flocons d'Avoine, Avoine Maltée [Contenant Extrait de Malt, Huile Végétale]), Edulcorant (Maltitol), Humectant (Glycérine), Enrobage au Yaourt (7 %) (Edulcorants: Maltitol), Huile de Légume non Hydrogénées, Poudre de Lactosérum Sucrée, Poudre de Yaourt (Lait), Emulsifiants : Lécithine de Soja, Acide Citrique; Polydextrose, Oligofructose, Amidon de Maïs Modifié, Huile Végétale, Fraise Lyophilisées (2.5%), Arômes, Antioxydant (Tocophérols Mélangés). ALLERGENES: Les allergènes sont indiqués par les ingrédients figurant en caractères gras. Des traces d'oeufs ou noix sont suceptibles d'être présentes. NE PAS LAISSER À LA PORTÉE DES ENFANTS. Une consommation excessive peut avoir un effet laxatif. Consommer 1 à 2 barres maximum par jour. Conserver à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité. Ce produit n'est pas destiné aux personnes de moins de 16 ans. Ne pas excéder la dose recommandée. Les compléments alimentaires ne remplace pas une alimentation équilibrée BARRETTE AD ALTO CONTENUTO PROTEICO YOGIJRT ALLA FRAGOLA Barrette ad alto contenuto proteico gusto fragola con dolcificanti aggiunti. USO: Le Barrette ad alto contenuto proteico possono essere consumate ogni volta che è necessario uno snack ricco di proteine oppure in base alle proprie esigenze nutritive. INGREDIENTI: Miscela di Proteine (Proteine Isolate di Latte, Concentrato di Proteine di Siero di Latte), Miscela di Avena (Fiocchi di Avena, Malto di Avena (contiene Estratto di Malto, Oli Vegetali)), Dolcificante (Maltitolo), Umettante (Glicerina), copertura allo Yogurt (7%) (Dolcificanti (Maltitolo) Grasso Vegetale non Idrogenato, Siero di Latte in Polvere Dolce, Yogurt in Polvere (Latte),Emulsionanti (Lecitina di Soia) Acido Citrico), Oligofruttosio, Polidestrosio, Olio Vegetale, Amido di Mais Modificato, Fragole Liofilizzate (2,5%), Aromatizzanti, Antiossidanti (Tocoferoli Misti). ALLERGENI: Per gli allergeni, fare riferimento ag%gredienti in grassetto. Possono essere presenti tracce di uova e frutta secca. TENERE LONTANO DALLA PORTATA DEI BAMBIN. Un pub avere effetti lassativi. Consumare al massimo due barrette al giorno. Conservare in luogo frescoe asciutto. Ouesto prodotto non è destinato all'uso da parte di persone di ets inferiore ai 16 anni. Non superare le dosi consigliate. Gli integratori alimentari non sono destinati a sostituire una dieta variata ed equilibrata. BARRITAS DE ALTO CONTENIDO PROTEICO "FLAPJACK" YOGUR DE FRESA Barrita Flapjack con alto contenido proteico sabor Yogur de Fresa, con edulcorantes afiadidos. USO: Consumir una Barrita de Alto Contenido Proteico "Flapjack" cuando necesites un refrigerio rico en prote(nas o segün tus requisitos nutritivos. INGREDIENTES: Mezcla de Prote(nas (Prote(na de Leche Aislada, Protefna de Suero de Leche concentrado), Mezcla de Avena (Copos de Avena, Malteada de Avena (contiene Extracto de malta, Aceite Vegetal)), Edulcorante (Maltitol), Humectante (Glicerina), Cobertura con sabor Yogur (7%) (Edulcorantes (Maltitol), Grasa Vegetal NO-Hidrogenada, Suero de Leche en polvo, Yogur en Polvo (Leche), Emulgente (Lecitina de Soja, Âcido C(trico), Polidextrosa, Oligofructosa, Almidén de Ma(z modificado, Aceite Vegetal Liofilizado fresa (2,5%), Aromatizantes, Antioxidantes (Mezcla de Tocoferoles). ALÉRGENOS: Para conocer los alérgenos, consulta los ingredientes marcados en negrita. Puede contener trazas de huevo o frutos secos. MANTÉNGANSE FUERA ALCANCE DE LOS NINos. El excesivo puede provocar efecto laxante. Consumir un méximo de 2 barritas por dl'a. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco. Este producto no esté dirigido a utilizarse en personas menores de 16 afios. No exceder la dosis recomendada. Los suplementos nutricionales no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada. HIGH PROTEIN FLAPJACKS JORDBRYOGHURT High Protein Flap Jack Mcd Jordbaryoghurt Smag Sadot Mod SadomiddeL ANVENDELSE: High Protein Flapjacks indtages, nér der er behov for en snack med hajt proteinindhold eller efter dit naeringsbehov. INGREDIENSER: Protein Blend (Melkeproteinisolat, Valleproteinkoncentrat), Havreblanding (Havregryn, Maltede Havregryn (indeholder Maltekstrakt, vegetabilsk olie)), Sodemiddel (Maltitol), Fugtighedsbevarende Middel (Glycerin), Yoghurt Overtraek (7%) (Sodemidel (Isomalt) Ikke-Hydrogeneret Vegetabilsk Fedt, Sodt Vallepulver, Yoghurtpulver (Melk) Emulgatorer:(Sojalecithin), Citronsyre), Oligofruktose, Polydextrose, Modificeret Majsstivelse, Frysetorret Jordber (2,5%), Smagstilsaetning, Antioxidanter (Blandede Tocopheroler). ALLERGENER: For allergener henvises der til ingredienser med fed skrift. OPBEVARES UTILGŒNGELIGT FOR BORN. Overdrevent indtag kan give laksativ effect. Indtag maksimum to barer om dagen. Opbevares markt og tort. Dette produkt er ikke egnet til personer under 16. Overskrid ikke den anbefalede dosis. Kosttilskud er ikke en erstatning for en sund og balanceret kost. Suitable for vegetarians. BULK POWDERSW, mt 1 Gunfleet Business Park,

Allergens: Gluten, Milk

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

From Palm Oil: Huile Vegetale

Palm oil is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced. Learn more

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Energy 1397 (kj)  
Fat 8.4 (g)  
Saturated Fat 3.4 (g)  
Carbohydrates 46.4 (g)  
Sugars 2.7 (g)  
Fiber 9.9 (g)  
Proteins 24.7 (g)  
Salt 0.07 (g)  
Sodium 0.028 (g)  
Product Photos
High Protein Flapjack - Strawberry Yogurt


High Protein Flapjack - Strawberry Yogurt Ingredients


  • Brands: Bulkpowders

  • Countries: France

  • Keywords: Bulkpowder, Flapjack, High, Protein, Strawberry, Yogurt

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