May not be Vegan

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    Flagged Ingredients

  • Dextrose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if plant based.
  • E120 - Coloring - Cochineal (another name for carminic acid, a pigment made from powdered insects)

May not be Vegetarian

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

    Flagged Ingredients

  • E120 - Coloring - Cochineal (another name for carminic acid, a pigment made from powdered insects)
  • Dextrose - Sometimes derived from animal tissues and fluids. Check the label to determine if suitable.

Possibly Gluten Free

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Gluten Free grade may be inaccurate.

Create an account to set your diet and customize ingredients you want to avoid.

Ingredients: viande et gras de porc, sel. dextrose. arômes naturels. conservateurs : E325, E252. antinxygène: E31B. colorants: E120. E100, acidifiants E262, ferments, boyau naturel de mouton

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Nova Group 4 4
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Saucisses Chipolatas - 6 Pices


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