Possibly Vegan

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    Flagged Ingredients

  • Niacin - Used as a cholesterol treatment. In rare cases it can be derived from animal sources.

Probably Vegetarian

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Probably Gluten Free

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Ingredients: Extra long grain rice, iron phosphate, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, folic acid.

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml As sold per serving (45 g (0.25 cup))
Serving Size 45 g (0.25 cup)
Energy 1490 (kj) 670 (kj)
Fat 0 (g) 0 (g)
Saturated Fat 0 (g) 0 (g)
Trans Fat 0 (g) 0 (g)
Carbohydrates 77.78 (g) 35 (g)
Proteins 6.67 (g) 3 (g)
Salt 0 (g) 0 (g)
Sodium 0 (g) 0 (g)
Iron 3.2 (mg) 1.44 (mg)
Folates 133 (µg) 59.8 (µg)
Potassium 89 (mg) 40 (mg)
Vitamin B1 5 (mg) 2.25 (mg)
Vitamin Pp 3.556 (mg) 1.6 (mg)
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