Is Saltpetre Vegan?

Usually assumed to be of natural origins but it can be manufactured from animals.

Not necessarily banned. Consider the source of each ingredient.

May be Vegan

Foods with ingredients that contain saltpetre
Jambon Sec De Savoie 12 Mois D'affinage
Jambon Sec De Savoie 12 Mois D'affinage

May not be Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Meat - Not vegan if originating from any animal.
  • Pork - Pork, or pig, is not considered a vegan option.
  • Fur - The skin of an animal. Used in clothing.
  • Saltpetre - Usually assumed to be of natural origins but it can be manufactured from animals.
  • Sucrose - Sugar - Some sugars are processed through boneblack.

May not be Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Meat - Meat is not a vegetarian option as it is derived from an animal.
  • Pork - Pork, or pig, is not considered a vegetarian option.
  • Fur - The skin of an animal. Used in clothing.

Possibly Gluten Free

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Meat - Many imitation or processed meats include wheat-based ingredients.

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