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Showing food by country from Bosnia And Herzegovina

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Plazma Slana
Plazma Slana

Possibly Vegan

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Vitamin - Likely animal based but may be plant based. Check the label to verify the source of the ingredient.
  • Niacin - Used as a cholesterol treatment. In rare cases it can be derived from animal sources.

Possibly Vegetarian

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Vitamin - Likely animal based but may be plant based. Check the label to verify the source of the ingredient.

Possibly Gluten Free

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Tark Prima Classic
Tark Prima Classic

Possibly Vegan

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Possibly Vegetarian

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Possibly Gluten Free

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Rebrasti Tzatziki
Rebrasti Tzatziki

May not be Gluten Free

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Flagged Ingredients (View All)
  • Gluten - Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in different forms of wheat.

Possibly Vegan

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Possibly Vegetarian

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Dugotrajno Mleko
Dugotrajno Mleko

Possibly Vegan

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Vegetarian

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Gluten Free

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Pfanner Bio Orange 100% 1LTR

Possibly Vegan

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Vegetarian

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Gluten Free

Non-English: Grade may be inaccurate.

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