Possibly Vegan

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Vegan grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Vegetarian

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Vegetarian grade may be inaccurate.

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Possibly Gluten Free

This product appears to be sold in more non-English speaking countries. The Gluten Free grade may be inaccurate.

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Ingredients: Buchweizennatursauerteig 33% (Buchweizenvollkornmehl 55%, Wasser, Maismehl, Erbsenmehl, Honig), Wasser, Sesam 13%, Maismehl, Leinsamen, Buchweizenvollkornmehl 4%, Hirsevollkornmehl, Sojamehl 3%, Meersalz, Apfelfasser, Honig, Emulgator: Sojalecithin.

Allergens: Sesame Seeds, Soybeans

Please take necessary precautions if you have allergies to any of the listed ingredients. Allergens are italicized in the ingredients.

Nutrition Label As sold for 100 g / 100 ml
Energy 999 (kJ)  
Fat 10.7 (g)  
Saturated Fat 1.6 (g)  
Carbohydrates 23.4 (g)  
Sugars 2 (g)  
Fiber 6.8 (g)  
Proteins 8.9 (g)  
Salt 1.2 (g)  
Sodium 0.48 (g)  
Nova Group 4 4
Product Photos
Bio Buchweizenbrot


Bio Buchweizenbrot Ingredients


  • Brands: Alnavit

  • Countries: Germany

  • Keywords: Alnavit, Bio, Brote, Buchweizenbrot, De Oko 003, Deutschland, Eu Nicht Eu Landwirtschaft, Eu Oko Verordnung, Getranke, Getreide, Glutenfrei, Glutenfreie, Hergestellt, In, Kartoffeln, Lebensmittel, Mit, Pflanzliche, Sesam, Und

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